Fostering healthier, more inclusive communities across Canada

Our approach

As part of our Impact Agenda, we are dedicated to advancing positive, measurable social and environmental change to build a better business to better the world.

Through our community investments, and aligned to our Impact Agenda, we work with organizations to foster healthier, more equitable communities across our three interconnected strategic focus areas: empowering sustained health and well-being; driving inclusive economic opportunity; and accelerating a sustainable future.

Our strategy prioritizes investments to organizations that:

  • Share a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, particularly through representative leadership and targeted programming to historically underserved communities 
  • Drive community-centered solutions, working collaboratively across sectors, aimed at innovative and scalable initiatives
  • Demonstrate a holistic approach to the many aspects of well-being, including mental health, to improve and sustain positive outcomes over the long-term
  • Utilize data to measure impact with key performance indicators and a commitment to reporting on progress

Our approach takes many forms, including direct funding, volunteering, which leverage skills-based activities, and employee giving and matching programs.

Investment Focus

We focus on removing barriers and empowering people in the communities where Manulife operates.  And with humanitarian and natural disasters happening around the world, we are committed to helping communities respond effectively with resiliency and recovery resources.

We will consider funding strategically aligned project or program specific grants as well as capacity building grants or general operating support to organizations whose missions are highly aligned with our investment focus areas. In addition to programmatic funding, we also fund research and innovation to support cutting-edge ideas to understand, address, and promote sustainable change.

Have a look at how we're doing

Download the 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance report

We prioritize investment in the following areas:

Empower sustained health & well-being

Make healthier behaviour choices easier and more accessible with a specific focus on solutions that promote health by encouraging small, everyday actions to improve how well and long people live.

Examples include initiatives that:

  • Increase access to healthy foods and physical activity opportunities
  • Promote lifestyle change by empowering people to make improved decisions in their journey to better health

Drive inclusive economic opportunity

Accelerate upward mobility and help make financial solutions accessible to everyone through financial capability programs that develop and sustain positive money habits and through targeted employment initiatives, particularly in fields related to Manulife's business and aligned to our DEI objectives.

Examples include initiatives that:

  • Provide access to a financial service and/or help to empower people to make better financial decisions and set long-term financial goals
  • Help people secure and/or maintain meaningful employment

Accelerate a sustainable future

Support the transition to a net zero economy and protect and grow the value of nature-based solutions through initiatives that enhance access to and stewardship of the natural environment and improve the livelihood and well-being of local communities.

Examples include initiatives that:

  • Increase access to, and stewardship of, nature and outdoor activities
  • Equip communities with resources to mitigate climate change and improve well-being

What’s New in our Impact Stories

Manulife's partnership with CIFAR

Nearly four decades ago, around Manulife’s 100th anniversary, we made a $500,000 contribution to a new population health research initiative by CIFAR (the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research) – and a partnership began that would endure through decades, with Manulife contributing nearly $3 million in that time.

Learn more

Measurement, Reporting & Impact

We recognize the importance of efficiently measuring and tracking the social impact of our investments, which is why we are a member of Business for Societal Impact (B4SI). B4SI is the global standard in measuring and managing corporate community investment, and we use its framework to effectively measure, report and communicate our social contributions and investments.

Leveraging the B4SI framework, we seek to understand shorter-term outcomes and longer-term changes resulting from our investments. Learn more about how we are measuring social impact within our focus areas.

Eligibility criteria

Prospective partners must meet the following criteria to be considered for support:

  • Work is aligned with our focus areas and Community Investment approach
  • Organization is a registered charity or non-profit providing community benefit where Manulife operates

Generally, funding is not considered for:

  • For-profit organizations
  • Political, labour, fraternal organizations, or social clubs
  • Individuals, including those seeking scholarships/fellowship assistance or promoting individual pursuits/fundraising activities
  • Travel-related events, including student trips or tours
  • Private or corporate foundations
  • Faith-based groups unless it is clearly intended to support a social service need and do not restrict persons of other faiths from receiving the service
  • Capital projects

We strive to provide funding to organizations that meet our values. For that reason, we would not provide funding to any organization that discriminates based on race, religion, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, veteran or disability status or espouses hate, nor would we support organizations whose stated missions or objectives contravene our values.


Manulife/John Hancock accepts grant applications by invitation only.

Organizations seeking to be considered for an invitation to apply can complete a brief interest form and assess their eligibility.

We will review interest forms and then invite a select number of organizations to formally apply. We do not plan to provide feedback on all expressions of interest.

We host quarterly virtual open house sessions to offer a live walk through of our strategy and approach, and answer questions from community organizations. RSVP for an upcoming session.

Picture of a female holding a red heart in her hands.

Employee giving

Through our annual program, we match our colleague’s donations dollar for dollar, up to $4,000 per person per year.

Manulife employees participating in volunteer day

Volunteer Day

Our colleagues all receive one paid day off per year to volunteer at a charitable or non-profit organization.