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Three years of data from The Wellness Report (TWR) shows the impact of health on productivity keeps increasing every year.
48 working days are lost per employee due to health‑related absence and presenteeism in 2022
Top 3 organizations*: 39 days

Let’s take a closer look at areas where organizations can support and help make employees’ lives better
Based on TWR data from 2022, poor sleep quality and poor physical health are associated with poor mental health at work.
The data also shows that smoking and sleeping less than the recommended hours a night is associated with worse mental health, physical health, and productivity.
27% get less than the recommended 7 hours of sleep
The #1 factor affecting employees' sleep is work-related stress.
Top 3 organizations: 21%.
40% not doing recommended level of physical activity (150 min/week)
Top 3 organizations: 28%.
46% of employees experiencing at least one work-related mental health risk factor
#1 mental health risk factor is balance
Top 3 organizations: 40%.
38% employees have shown 3 or more health risk factors
* The top 3 organizations are selected based on how they scored against a wide range of indicators. Their combined results give a good indication of where the healthiest organizations stand.
Better sleep, physical and mental health = higher productivity
Top 3 organizations show better results in sleep, physical and mental health
+ 9 days of productivity
Financial health
63% of employees worry about their financial situation.
Top 3 organizations: 55% .
30% said worrying about money distracts them at work.
Why Top 3 organizations get better results in most key indicators?
Top 3 organizations are determined based on how they score against several indicators related to work culture, work environment and existing wellness initiatives.
Creating a workplace culture that promotes and support healthy lifestyles can help improve employee’s overall health and positively impact productivity.

Key questions on work culture
62% noted senior management views employee health and wellbeing as important for the organization’s success.
Top 3 organizations: 79%
52% noted senior management demonstrates healthy lifestyle choices.
Top 3 organizations: 71%
52% noted senior management demonstrates healthy mental health habits.
Top 3 organizations: 72%
Three years of data - what has changed?
Sleeping less than 7 hours
- 2022: 27%
- 2021: 29%
- 2020: 34%
Experiencing at least 1 work-related mental health risk factor
- 2022: 46%
- 2021: 48%
- 2020: 55%
Employees at risk (4+ risk factors) yet think they are in good health
- 2022: 42%
- 2021: 43%
- 2020: 48%
Organizations that reported having a health and wellness strategy
- 2022: 87%
- 2021: 71%
- 2020: 31%
Days lost due to health-related absence and presenteeism
- 2022:
48.1 days - 2021:
41.2 days - 2020:
40.8 days
Eating less than 5 portions of fruits and vegetables/day
- 2022: 71%
- 2021: 69%
- 2020: 68%
Having a lot of financial stress
- 2022: 21%
- 2021: 16%
- 2020: 14%
Experience feelings of loneliness
- 2022: 49%
- 2021: 51%
- 2020: 48%
Demographics 2022
≈30% of participating organizations are from manufacturing or professional, scientific and technical services industries
Private: 59%
Public: 22%
Not-for-profit: 12%
Other: 6%
3 surveys in 2022
47 organizations
4,921 employees
Building healthier workplaces is a journey and we’re there to support you along the way!
A good way to start is by getting this data for your organization – so you can see how you can help improve your employees’ health and the overall health of your organization.
Coming soon
All statistics and data within this page were pulled from the 2022 Wellness Report surveys results. Manulife collaborated with Phase 5 and RAND Corporation to conduct the Wellness Report surveys and reporting. 47 Manulife group sponsors participated to The Wellness Report in 2022 and 4,921 employees responded to the online surveys. The Wellness Report surveys were conducted in February, May and October 2022.