Group retirement solutions plan sponsors – Frequently asked questions
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If you’re an active plan sponsor:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “Reporting”
- Click “Request a report”
- Select the report you need
- Go back to “Reporting” and click “View report results”, select the applicable report
If you’re not an active plan sponsor, call 1-888-713-7788.
Note that withdrawal and contribution reports include a financial activity report summarizing total withdrawals or contributions within a specific period. If you need more detailed information, call 1-888-713-7788.
To request forfeiture reports, call 1-888-713-7788.
To find terminated employee reports:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “Member terminations”
- Click “Review member terminations”
In general, we mail or email plan sponsor statements once a month. For more information, call 1-888-713-7788.
To find Manulife’s annual investment report (AIR):
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “News and information”
- Click “Bulletin board”
- Click “Annual information return summary”
To see contributions made in the past six months:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “Your plan details”
- Click “Contribution history”
To see contributions from over six months ago, call 1-888-713-7788.
To see plan members’ investment options and performance:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “Your investments”
- Click “Investment information”
To check the status of transactions and transfers, call 1-888-713-7788.
To submit your contribution list when updating 100 employees or less:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “Manage your plan”
- Click “Submit contribution listing”
To submit your contribution list when updating more than 100 employees: Call 1-888-713-7788 for information about your options.
To remove contributions that are already in the system, call 1-888-713-7788.
The forfeiture account contains contributions you made that a plan member was not entitled to make at termination. Your plan may allow you to use the money in the forfeiture account to fund sponsor contributions to other plan members. For more information, call 1-888-713-7788.
If you can’t make contributions, call 1-888-713-7788 or contact your client relationship manager. If you have a Registered Pension Plan, the government requires us to report missed contributions after 30 days.
If you offer E-enrolment, plan members can enrol themselves. If you don’t offer E-enrolment:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “Manage your plan”
- Click “Enrol a member”
To re-enrol a plan member, call 1-888-713-7788 with the plan member’s previous plan member number.
Complete a different enrolment form for every plan. To find enrolment forms:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “News and Information”
- Click “Bulletin board”
- Click “Need a form?”
- Select the form you need
To add a new division or subgroup to your plan, contact your client relationship manager. The plan design team will need you to provide a signed amendment.
In order to access information on the secure website, you will be required to provide your email and set a password.
- Go to the Sign in – For Business, Group Retirement and choose Plan sponsor
- Fill out the Registration information.
- Once you have accepted the terms and conditions press the "Register" button.
You will then receive an email with a registration link. Note, you may want to bookmark this site for future reference.
- Click the link and then enter your email address and password.
- (You may also have to answer a Personal Verification Question, or close the box and re-log in.)
- The next screen should ask you for your "Customer Number" and a policy number.
- Next accept the terms and conditions to complete the registration process.
*Note: This information is private and confidential, and is your access to the plan; you should not be sharing this information. This Customer ID may also be linked with your Plan Member information, if you are enrolled with the plan. If there is anyone, in addition to yourself, who should have access, please complete a Plan Access Authorization form and return it to Manulife.
To see a list of compatible browsers:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “Recommended settings”
- Click “Browser compatibility ”
To update a plan member’s address, marital status and other personal details:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “Your plan details”
- Click “Select a member”
- Select the plan member’s name
- Click “My account”
- Click “Member information”
- Click “Change”
- Update the plan member’s information
You cannot update beneficiary information online.
To Update beneficiary information, the Member can:
- Sign in to their Manulife group retirement account.
- Click on My Profile
- Click on My Member Information.
- Look for the Beneficiary Information section
- Click Update
The plan member booklet answers questions such as whether plan members can contribute while on leave and when plan members become eligible for sponsor contributions. To access it:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “News and information”
- Click “Bulletin board”
- Click “Member booklet”
If you don’t have access to the secure site, call 1-888-713-7788.
If you have questions or corrections at a plan sponsor or member level, call 1-888-713-7788.
If a plan member is leaving your organization or retiring:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “Member terminations”
- Click “Submit a member termination”
As soon as we receive a member termination:
- For Registered Pension Plans, we send a statement outlining available options to the plan member
- For RRSPs and other plans, the plan member can generally cash out or move funds to a Manulife personal plan after 60 days
Note: Locked-in funds may not be withdrawn as cash
To change your banking information, including direct deposit instructions:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click “News and information”
- Click “Bulletin board”
- Click “Need a form?”
- Link to “Forms”
- Click “Find plan sponsor forms”
- Select the Preauthorized Debit form
To change, add or remove the plan administrator:
- Sign in to the secure site
- Click "News and information"
- Click "Bulletin board"
- Click "Need a form?"
- Link to "Forms"
- Click "Find plan sponsor forms"
- Click "Change form"
- Click "Plan access authorization"
You can also access the form to change the plan administrator.
To change, add or remove your broker, call 1-888-713-7788.
There are two ways to pay your invoice. You can submit contributions through the secure site or you can mail payments directly to Manulife:
Manulife Financial
GRS Client Services
P.O. Box 396
Waterloo, ON Canada
N2J 4A9
To tell us about major changes affecting your organization and your plan, contact your client relationship manager.
We can’t back-date contributions. However, to help you avoid missing the RRSP deadline, we post the date on the secure website several weeks in advance and send reminders to all of our clients.
If you have complex or legislative questions, call 1-888-713-7788.
To request your registration number, call 1-888-713-7788.