6 tips for more energy throughout the day

August 2023

Do you start your day feeling amazing, but as the day wears on, you notice a significant decline in your energy levels? Maybe you’re a habitual 3:00 pm coffee drinker because it’s the only way to make it through your work day. 

There are a lot of factors that influence your energy levels throughout the day. Thankfully, many of the most impactful factors are related to your lifestyle, so you have control over how these factors play into your life. 

If you’re ready to reclaim your natural energy levels, these six tips can help!

1. Control your stress levels

Stress can have a negative effect on your health and well-being. It can affect you physically and emotionally and takes away your energy. Many illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, asthma, depression, and anxiety, are caused or made worse by stress.

By finding ways to manage your stress, you can regain some of the energy you were spending on stress-inducing emotions. Different things will work for different other people, but you can try talking to friends, getting active, meditation, yoga, therapy, and even stopping to take ten deep breaths can help in the moment. 

Looking for more ways to manage your stress? Check out these ten simple strategies to manage your stress

2. Get your body moving

A great way to boost your energy levels is to get your body moving. Physical activity not only helps reduce your risk for many chronic illnesses, but it also gives your body more energy to burn and improves oxygen circulation. Whether you join a HIIT class or go for a brisk walk around the block, exercise releases endorphins and can lead to higher dopamine levels which help elevate your mood.

According to Canada’s 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, adults aged 18-64 should get 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activities per week and muscle-strengthening activities at least twice a week. If you want to measure the intensity of your physical activity, try the talk test—you should be able to talk but not sing during moderate exercise. During vigorous activity, you won’t be able to say more than a few words without pausing for a breath. 

If you want to fight off that 3 PM slump, you can also incorporate movement throughout the day. Taking microbreaks every 45-60 minutes to stretch and move can help get blood flowing and boost energy. Stand during meetings, or take walking meetings when appropriate.

3. Build a healthy sleep routine

It should come as no surprise that getting the recommended 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night will positively impact your energy levels throughout the day. But there are a lot of factors that can influence how much you sleep and the quality of your sleep.

Take the time to focus on your sleep hygiene—give yourself a screen bedtime where you turn screens off for the night; limit your caffeine and alcohol intake in the afternoons; and create a sleep schedule with consistent wake- and bedtimes. 

Looking for more ways to get a good night’s sleep? Check out these seven tips to help you create a healthy sleep routine.

4. Fill your plate with energy-boosting foods

Another great way to up your energy levels is also another great way to have a positive impact on your overall health! You can boost your energy levels by eating vitamin-rich, whole foods with a low glycemic index. Foods with low glycemic index help you stay fuller longer and combat the energy dip you can experience when you eat processed foods with high GI. 

Not only will eating foods with low GI help improve your energy levels, but it can also help you decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke

Try packing your plate with whole grains, lentils, lean meats, fruits, and vegetables to lower the GI of your meals.

And when you reach for a snack, choosing something that contains protein, fibre, and healthy fats will keep you full and energized longer.

5. Make caffeine work for you

As mentioned above, caffeine will help you stay alert and increase energy levels. Having a cup of coffee or tea can keep you on your toes. But to take advantage of the potential energy boost, you must use caffeine in moderation. 

In Canada, the average adult (aged 18 and over) is recommended to consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day. To put that into perspective, a standard cup of brewed coffee has 135 mg of caffeine—that means you should be drinking no more than three standard cups of coffee per ​​​​day. 

6. Drink water

If you feel tired, it’s always a good idea to ask yourself, “When was the last time I had a glass of water?”

Every cell in our bodies depends on water to function—when you don’t get enough, one of the first symptoms you start to feel is fatigue. How much water you should drink daily depends on age, weight, sex, etc. But as a general guideline, women should aim for approximately 11.5 cups (2.7 liters), and men should drink 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of water daily.

Looking for ways to increase your water consumption? Stay hydrated with these ten strategies to help you drink more water

With these six tips, you can start making meaningful changes to your lifestyle that will increase your energy levels throughout the day and move you towards a healthier lifestyle. 

What changes will you make to your lifestyle?

Please always check with a medical professional to ensure these strategies are right for you.

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