Learn how to support a healthier workplace for your employees

Findings from the 2017 Sanofi Canada Healthcare Survey

When it comes to health and wellness in the workplace, what should you focus on for your employees’ well-being?

Billed as “Canada’s premier survey on group benefit plans,” the 2017 Sanofi Canada Healthcare Survey is a national snapshot of how 500 employers and 1,500 employees rate their group plans and programs aimed at supporting healthy living. The survey findings include data on nutrition, exercise, stress and disease management. Providing support to your employees in these areas can positively influence their overall wellness and engagement.

According to the study, employees would most like to increase coverage for major dental services (25%), if they could, followed by vision care (21%) and paramedical services (21%). Only 11% indicate that current levels of coverage for all five of the major areas of health benefits (i.e., prescription drugs, basic dental services, major dental services, vision care and paramedical services) are enough for their personal needs. The survey includes analyses of the findings and helpful tips from the survey’s advisory board.

Health & Financial Wellness Insights

When lives are made better, organizations become stronger - see insights into the relationships between financial wellness, physical and emotional health and their impact on workplace engagement and productivity.

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