Manulife participating dividends

What is the dividend scale?

The premiums you and other clients pay for policies are put into an account called the participating account. Manulife invests the money in this account and uses it to pay for things like operating expenses, death benefits, and dividends. Our responsibility to you, as a policy owner, is to make sure there is always enough money in the participating account to cover your current – and long-term – needs. To do this, we carefully monitor the participating account and adjust dividends (by changing the dividend scale) to reflect changes in the factors that affect the account, such as investment returns, operating expenses, and payment of death benefits.

As you know, dividends and the dividend scale are not guaranteed. They are sensitive to changes in any of the factors that affect the participating account, but especially to changes in investment returns.

What is the dividend scale interest rate?

The Dividend Scale Interest Rate is the component of the dividend scale that reflects the investment performance of the participating account. It is not a rate of return earned by a policy, and it does not represent a policy’s cash value growth rate.

Important information about the dividend scale

Effective September 1, 2024, the dividend scale interest rate for Manulife Par and Manulife Par with Vitality Plus™ policies will remain at 6.35% for policies dated on or after June 23, 2018. Learn more about the rate.

The dividend scale interest rate will increase for Manulife Open (Performax) (pre-2009), Maritime Life Traditional, and Royal Sun Alliance including Gerling Global. The dividend scale interest rate will decrease for Zurich ISL 85, 88, 89. The dividend scale interest rate will remain at the current level for all other blocks of participating policies.

Where can I get more information about my participating policy?

Please refer to the Client Flyer (PDF) for more information about this year’s dividend scale change. If you have questions about dividends or special payment arrangements on your participating policy, please contact your advisor or contact us at 1-888-841-6633. If you don’t have an advisor and would like to talk to one, you can use the  Find an Advisor tool.

Participating account management policy

Dividend policy