Edgar K.


2023 Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Amount: $10,000
School: Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Program: Business Administration, Accounting

The passing of my guardian taught me that life is precious and fleeting. I learned to cherish every moment I have with those I love and to never take a single day for granted.

Other Recipients

Mckenna M.

“My experience losing my father taught me so much, however the lesson that sticks with me the most is that you never know what struggles someone is facing behind closed doors… “Read Mckenna’s story.

Stefan M.

“My Mom taught me my greatest life lesson: to be perseverant. She endured 6 years of treatments before dying from cancer and never stopped fighting…” Read Stefan’s story.

Nazuk N.

“In order to be the best version of myself, my dad always taught me to bounce back from every fall in life and to work twice as hard as the first time…” Read Nazuk’s story.