Molly D.


2021 Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Amount: $10,000
School: Mount Saint Vincent University

My name is Molly and I'm 22 originally from Toronto, Ontario. When I was 12 I lost my father to mental health issues. Then when I was 19 I found out my mother, who at the time was raising myself and my 5 other siblings, was diagnosed with cancer. These 2 events have been the most finically and emotionally defining moments in my life, since my parents did not have any life insurance before they passed away.

After my dad passed, my mom struggled to provide for me and my siblings, as he was the primary earner in my family. Watching my mom work to provide for us taught me so many valuable lessons about money, work ethic and most importantly being financially prepared in life.

Seeing this inspired me to go to university so I could study and work towards getting a job in education, like my mom, so I could financially prepare for my future. Unfortunately, during my studies, we found out my mom had terminal cancer with 1-2 years to live. After learning this I knew I was going to become one of the primary caregivers for my siblings. Since my mother did not have any life insurance me and my siblings knew finding different sources of income would be necessary to survive without my parents. Because of this, I had to drop out of University and find a career that took less time in school so I could start working as soon as possible.

For the next year, I studied as a Dental Hygienist and eventually graduated right around the time my mom passed away. Ever since then I have been practicing as a Dental Hygienist to help provide for my family while saving up to go back to school and finish my studies at University. I also have moved me and my family out of our childhood home in Toronto to Nova Scotia where we are currently living, as the city was becoming too expensive to live in.

After moving, saving, and with the help of student loans, I am finally able to achieve my goal of going back to school. In September I will be attending Mount Saint Vincent in Halifax to complete my undergrad degree so I can apply to teacher's college. I plan to study and work full time as I still have bills that need to be paid but I am determined to do whatever it takes to complete my goal.

Reflecting on what happened, money has always somehow played a role. Because my parents did not have any life insurance, my siblings and I were on our own to provide for ourselves. If they did have insurance I would not have had to re-route my education plan and we might have not had to move. I am happy and grateful for my life today, however, I can't help but think about what could have been if my parents had the security of life insurance.

Other Recipients

Alexandra K.

“Our ultimate goal is to make our mom proud and try to impact the world in such a positive way like our mother did…” Read Alexandra’s story.

Amber S.

“Receiving this scholarship would allow me to work less, in order to put more focus and energy into school and succeed/excel as a student and Social Worker...” Read Amber’s story.

Fernando N.

“Although some days are harder than others, I always achieve my responsibilities because I want my father to be proud of me...” Read Fernando’s story.