Cynthia G.


2019 Scholarship Recipient


Scholarship Amount: $10,000
School: Niagara College
Program: Construction Engineering Technology

My name is Cynthia G. and I am currently enrolled in my third year at Niagara College for Construction Engineering Technology. I discovered and am applying to this scholarship because of the reason that my father, Frank suddenly died in May of 2013 when I was 12 years old.

My father was the only source of income for the household that supported my mother, my younger sister, and myself. We quickly ran out of money to pay bills and unfortunately my mother could not provide adequate care for me and my sister.

We were taken by Family and Children Services (FACS) and I remained in care until I was 18 years old, and my sister who I no longer have contact with, remains in care until this very day. My father did not have any form of life-insurance but did have Ontario Disability Support Program. I don’t know what was covered and what was not. It honestly destroyed my family. If my father did have life insurance, things may have not turned out the way they did. We would have had the money to keep our house, and all our belongings, as my mother was forced to leave everything behind. My sister and I may have remained under my mother’s own care until we were adults. We may have not experienced having our family being torn apart so quickly after losing my father. My post-secondary funds were not in place at that time because I was not sure what I wanted to do, as I was still only in grade eight. But I can be sure that my father would have saved every penny that he could to ensure I would make it to college/university.

After aging out of FACS, I had no options other than to apply for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) in order to pursue my post-secondary career. I have really been on my own financially in terms of finding my own money to make it to school. I am thankful that I am eligible for student assistance but am dreading the re-payments of student loans when I am finished my program. I am determined to finish my degree and pursue my career and live a better life than that of my parents. I wish to do good for myself and my immediate family. After living a hellish five years in a foster home, it made me realize I have to take action for the things I want to in life and not let anything hinder my spirits.

Other Recipients

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Nicholas P.

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Felix R.

“I was eighteen and in my final months of high school when [my mom] was diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer...” Read Felix’s story.