According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, there are an estimated 70,000 heart attacks each year in Canada. And in the U.S., 1 in every 4 deaths can be attributed to heart disease. Those are some staggering statistics – as part of our goal to help you get wise about your health and your wealth, here are 5 strategies for keeping your heart healthy.

  1. Move more. Work in exercise wherever you can. Park your car farther away, take the stairs and get up from your desk every half hour or so.
  2. Take care of your teeth. Yes, your teeth. Harmful bacteria that hangs out in your mouth can get into your bloodstream and do damage to your heart.
  3. Get a flu shot. It’s said to reduce the risk of a heart attack by up to 50%.
  4. Take calcium and magnesium. Not only do they help you sleep, but working together, they can promote cardiovascular health.
  5. Live healthy. Avoid risk factors like smoking and overindulging in alcohol.

Person running on a trail

Raising awareness for women’s heart health

Did you know that heart disease kills more women in Canada every year than any other disease?

That’s why each year, as part of the Manulife LPGA classic, Manulife takes part in Red Day – an event where players, volunteers and spectators are encouraged to wear red in support of St. Mary’s General Hospital Foundation’s heart health awareness initiatives.

In 2015, Manulife’s involvement surpassed $1 Million dollars in donations to help fund their programs.

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