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Canada/U.S.: 1-800-265-9977

Mexico: 00-1-800-514-3702

Dominican Republic: 1-888-751-4403

In other countries, including Cuba, use operator to call collect: 519-741-8450

International toll-free for participating countries only: Country Code + 800-9221-9221

For general inquiries before your trip, call 1-800-268-6195.

Universal International Toll Free Participating Countries

Affinity Markets serves professional association members, university and college alumni, financial institution clients and retail cardholders.

1-866-566-0172 or call collect 519-251-7297.

For general inquiries before your trip, call 1-800-268-3763.

1-866-566-0172 or call collect 519-251-7297.

For general inquiries before your trip, call 1-800-268-3763.